Thursday, March 5, 2009

Very wild cards!

LOL, Kim!!!!! Your comment on the previous post just reminded me that my SIL, Jenni, DID pay me $6 at Bible Study Tuesday night because I refrained from saying "Gah" in my other post.

Now, since she already paid me, I'm wondering if I can go back to saying it... or if I'm bound to refrain the rest of the season??? Hmmmm.

I haven't heard a peep this season out of my SIL Shelby, who usually has several comments to make. Shelby, where are you???

Also, I know it's only Thursday morning, but where is Tracy, Talysa and Jenni??? Angie, Lori??? Come on, girls. Comments. Gimme.

I'm highly disappointed with the wild card picks. Don't get me wrong, I'm LOVING Ricky Braddy and Matt Giraud. Yay for that. But Jessie Langseth??? Seriously??? She has a good voice but her personality GRATES on my nerves. Tatiana??? I'd take Nick over her! (but then, I liked Nick)

I'm REALLY disappointed that Felicia and Ju'Not aren't getting another chance. They both out-sang Von, Tatiana, and Jessie!!!!! I'd buy Felicia and/or Ju'Not's CD. I hope they make it HUGE. Take THAT, AI.

Oh, and WHY did they only choose 8 wild cards??? Why not 12??? They could've let in some good singers to go with the jokes they picked.

And how dare Simon point out Jennifer Hudson. He blasted her that season. And she wasn't even a wild card!!! Was she?

Ok, hopping down from my soap box now! Have a great day!


Anonymous said...

First!!! (Yeah, I don't get it either, but a lot of the commenters on People magazine's website do it, so I figured it must be all the rage.)

I'm with you, Beth. I totally don't get the Jessie thing. She has some talent, but there were others far better. I'm really excited about Ricky Braddy. Hope he brings the Braddy Bunch along tonight. And, well, you know how I feel about the Tatiana thing. Grrrrrrr.

And, exactly what DOES Kara mean when she keeps saying they don't know who the contestant is as a person? Why does she care who they are as a person? Shouldn't who they are as an artist be more important? Is it necessary for her to know what it's like to go shopping with one of them? I'm lost on that girl. She's been sipping on Paula's straw, I fear.

I know it wasn't an option, but I would have preferred they brought back Jamar (wasn't that Gokey's friend?) than some of the ones they chose.

Oh, oh, oh, and I love A-Newt. He's one of my favorites. Not my absolutely fav, 'cause that continues to be Lil Rounds. But he's my dawg.

SIL #2

Kim said...

SIL #2 ~ Sorry girlie, didn't mean to torture ya!

Beth ~ Like you I am so disappointed that Felicia and Ju'Not didn't get in the wild card selection. There's no excuse for that. What were they THINKING?! Grr. It's ridiculous that they chose Von Smith and Tatiana over them.

And now for the results... my DVR cut off during the break before the last person was announced. I had to look it up online to figure out that there is a top 13 this season. I'm still so bitter over the fact that Felicia & Ju'Not didn't get a second chance that I really don't care. lol

I agree with you- I'm not loving the format this year. It doesn't seem quite as fair. The judges get enough say in Hollywood week. Let us (well, America) decide the top 12!

Talysa said...
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Talysa said...

I'm here! I'm here!!!! I laughed my patooty off at your last post but was about to help the hubby get kids to bed and figure he may have not liked it so much had I left him to fend for himself against our wild hoodlems while I commented on AI! :-)

OK, it is now the day after wild card....I picked Matt G., Felicia, and Ju'Not to go through for Wild Card as well....guess I was wrong...and was REALLY hoping that if not one of those, Norman...I know it has to get serious at some point but that man cracks me up...I think we should fly to Vegas to see him next year...he will be there I'm sure! Tatiana?!?!? seriously she makes me just about have a seizure. I told my husband in the beginning that she was no form of humor...MENTAL! I was right.

"I let you talk about all of de wild cod singer' now."
(that was my lame attempt at a Hispanic accent in case you were wondering what the heck)

Tracy said...

I don't know why they didn't pick 12 for the wild card show - they should have. I can't decide about this format. I guess we got a larger pool to choose from, but I don't like that they got to pick the final 3 (4) of the 12. I was really glad they included Anoop in the final 13. :-)

I'm glad Jessie didn't make it. I told Charlie last night that I know she can sing, but I just don't "like" her. I'm evil; I know.

I really thought they'd bring back Nick (Norman) when they were talking about Tatiana. Seriously! Why?! Did they think no one would watch the wildcard show unless she was there to bring drama? I almost couldn't watch it because she was on there. I just cannot stand someone who sucks all the life out of everyone around her. I mean really. We can't focus on Megan getting in to the finals because we're focused on Tatiana's crying. Have some tact for once, Tatiana, please!

I don't remember Felicia ... I'll have to look her up.

Thanks for the commentary, Beth!

Anonymous said...

I am sooooooooo on board for a group trip to Vegas to see Norman Gentle! (Yes, I'm painfully aware that you did not invite me, Talysa, and that - before now - you didn't even know I existed, but that has never stopped me from barging in on a trip before.)

Okay, seriously, how much fun would it be for a group of girls to get together and go to Vegas to see him? That just screams "good time!" to me.

SIL #2