Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Top 20 - Men

And we start tonight with Paula's hair looking WAY better. Has she been reading my blog, perhaps? Or maybe just her hairstylist has.

It's 70's night. Can't we just let these kids pick their own music? Must we give them a decade to choose from? Grrr.

Michael Johns - Straight out of the cage with Fleetwood Mac. Ouch. BAD song choice. Now I severely regret picking him as my top choice this week on the Fantasy Idol site. Gee. This really stunk in places. I would've definitely lowered it a step or so. He improved towards the end. Were the judges even listening??? It was not that great. In fact, it was downright painful in places. However, it is not easy to sing Fleetwood Mac and considering that, he actually didn't do that bad. I would've liked for him to actually put a new spin on the song. That might've bene better. He's a cutie, though, and seems to be really nice. He's not going anywhere.

Jason Castro - My new personal favorite after last week. Too much makeup is my first thought. Was he afraid Simon would make a comment about his pale complexion this week since Garrett Haley is gone? Ok, his interview WAS quite weird. He starts his song and it's the Bee Gee's. Or wait, is it Andy Gibb? Can't remember. He starts out very strong. But it quickly loses steam. His high notes were not good. But he's very likable. You know, when you think about the songs of the 70's however... were there any really BIG showstopper songs? I guess if you go the disco route, which I happen to like. But still, for guys, there weren't a lot of big voices that I can remember. We had a LOT of men singing in falsetto back then. Odd.

Luke Menard - How ironic that he mentions that in order to do acapella music, you have to be flawless. Hmmm... did he forget that tonight. Tough song choice, but a good one for his voice type. Too bad he isn't really nailing it. He's a handsome guy. Maybe that will carry him... He definitely has done himself a favor by picking up the tempo and flirting with the camera. Maybe people will forget that he's sharp for half of the song and flat the other. Now the song is getting boring. And he tried to play with it at the end and it didn't really work. But, all in all, I think people will remember him as doing well. Ha, Ryan just called him Dawson's Creek. Funny.

Robbie Carrico - the first thing I noticed was that Robbie's hair looks awful. Did he and Paula trade hair? It's just way too girly. Oh, I love it. Ryan's face when Robbie said for Simon to get used to it was priceless. Ooh, Hot Blooded. Foreigner. Lou Graham. 70's Rock. Robbie has a good voice. And how nice of him to use his fingers when singing "fever of a hundred and three". Psh. I seriously do not buy him as a rocker. And last week he was WAY better. Three Dog Night was a much better choice for him. Hmmm, Paula is so flirty tonight!

Danny Noriega - Oh, this kid. He is so... sooo Jessica Alba! He's more Jessica Alba than Jessica Alba is! Honestly, I like his voice. I just wish he wasn't so fiesty and girly. Nice job on the song, though. If I didn't have to LOOK at him and his funky facial expressions, I would really enjoy his music. I will take his slow vibrato over Michael John's super-fast vibrato ANYDAY.

David Hernandez - Apparently David works topless in a gay bar according to Vote-For-the-Worst.com. So, are we surprised to learn that he was really good at gymnastics? Nah. He can do a mean cartwheel. David has some SOLID vocals. And thankfully, he is showing much more personality this week. Wow - I really enjoyed this! Nice. I love love love his voice. Why are people always so surprised to get a good remark from Simon? He just tells the truth, usually.

Jason Yeager - Hmmm, so David plays numerous instruments. Maybe he will redeem himself this week, because he stunk last week. OH! The Doobie's! One of my favorites. Yes! PERFECT song for little Jason. He is still a little Show Choir'ish for my taste, but SUCH an improvement! You go, Jason. Oh, my, though - that cheesy ending! Ugh. RANDY!!!!! WHAT????? Pitchy? Compared to most of the other guys this week, he was definitely NOT pitchy. I disagree with the judges on this one. I liked it. Simon was dead-on on the choreography at the end. But they were really cruel and merciless on this poor, nice guy. Boo.

Chikezie Eze - I don't know this song from Adam, but I like it! It's so much better than last week. However - I wasn't sure what key he was in at the beginning. ??? Did he just get off??? Oh well, not to worry, he got back on-key. Nice song choice. Very clever. He redeemed himself this week... and I done lost myself my Fantasy Idol fo' sho'. I picked ole Chikezie to go home this week.

David Cook - He plays the guitar backwards like Jimi Hendrix. Redemption draweth nigh for David this week. For me, anyway. Last week was ridiculous and I hated it. This week, while still a bit ridiculous at times, it was quite enjoyable.

David Archuleta - Gee, the little guy has a fan club already. I'm trying to guess what song he will sing while they go to break... dunno. Let me fast-foward. "Imagine" Ok. It's nice. I like it, and usually people destroy this song. David has such a great voice. It was solid.

I am just too tired at this point to make a guess as to who is going home. Maybe I'll make my picks after the girls sing tomorrow night.

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