First, Shelby & Scott - our hosts!

She is uh-mazing!
Anne and her girls were the first to show up. Anne and her husband Mark were my music pastors at my church in Nashville when I first moved there. They have 3 beautiful red-headed girls. I love this family. Mark couldn't be with us, which was a bummer, but I look forward to his 2 cents worth in the comment section!
Anne has an interesting theory on American Idol song choices. She says - and I semi-quote - that for the most part, the contestants choose music from artists they like to listen to but can't sing like. They pick these songs because they WISH they sang like this artist or that artist, but end up shooting themselves in the foot. I dramatically paraphrased there, but it's 1am so I'm allowed.
Bottom line, she sounded really smart and made a lot of sense... and I don't at this hour!
Rhonda was the next to show up - without her boys (all 3 of them, ha!) much to the dismay of OUR boys... but I digress (whatever that means).
Rhonda and her husband, Tim, have been friends with Aaron and I since way back when we lived in Texas and attended Hope Fellowship together. Tim helped Aaron and I load our moving van when we got ready to move back to Nashville, and we will never forget that. This family rocks! Rhonda is so sweet, we had to beat the comments out of her. Just kidding... about the beating part. She had a zinger or two... notice the "preacher march" comment below.
I have been friends with Emily for forever, too! She and her husband Julio (see below) had their kids at around the same time we did... except they kept going and added one! LOL.
Take note of Emily's comments throughout the night - she's quite knowledgeable and witty!
Julio is our resident rocker. I mean, look at that hair! Seriously, though, Julio plays a mean bass and is a great musician. He is very quiet but when he says something, you will be glad you listened. Even if it's about Adam Lambert.
Jennifer is another great singer in attendance - she, Emily and I had some good times singing backups for Pastor John back in the day!
And then there is me. I don't care for this picture, but it's late and I'm not vain enough to look for another one right now.
Speaking of which, all of these pictures were taken tonight with the exception of Shelby's. I was trying to add her pic to the blog and it disappeared completely from my computer. I have no clue why or how. But the one I included was from our fun day at IKEA and that's good enough to warrant inclusion in this blog!!!
P.S. Sherry/Mimi was also in attendance and I took her picture while experimenting with Anne Marie's fixed lens and didn't realize until I uploaded it that it was blurry. So... sorry for no picture Mimi! Maybe I'll come back later and add one... :-)
After going around the room and asking each person who their favorite contestant was, we all settled in to watch the show. Scott was in charge of the remote. I had my laptop handy in case someone said something funny. We weren't positive that would happen, but I wanted to be ready. Ha! Shelby was in charge of getting the wee little ones drinks - even though she didn't really sign up for that role. I felt bad for her. Abbey and some of the other girls took their own notes, which they have yet to let us see. Suspicious!
Finally, we are ready to begin and my first thought was: This is so FUN!!!!
Ryan says "THIS is American Idol" and we all screamed and "whoo hoo"'d. Especially Scott. He's rowdy like that.
Danny is the oldest and goes first. He chooses to sing "Stand By Me" from 1980. I would NOT have picked this song for him, but what do I know? I directed our senior choir on this song the night I graduated from High School... so, you know... Danny's version kinda pales in comparison to THAT. Good beginning, he has chops. Boring middle (Simon agreed) but then good ending.

Wouldn't you be mad if you were sitting behind Paula? - Me. (because of her dancing)
I would be mad if I was trying to sing and had to look at her - Emily
Kara likes to count. Every week. They've all been smoking some Danny Gokey crack. No, not THAT kind of crack. Drugs, people. I mean, it wasn't THAT great of a performance and they are acting like he gave the performance of a lifetime.
He's the bomb - Scott
Whoo, he almost had the preacher march going - Rhonda (and then she got up and demonstrated what a "preacher march" is, in case we were confused.)
He never sounds like he rehearsed it - I bet he sings it a different way every time - Anne
Jennifer takes note of the fact that there are children in the room and if she has any tacky remarks she might keep them to herself. I divulge the fact that I had just typed a tacky remark, but wouldn't say it out loud. They will just have to read it. (It was the smoking Danny Gokey crack remark.)
We also briefly discuss the fact that no one really talks about Danny's backstory anymore. I tell them it's because of this:

During the Top 36 when Danny performed, one of his friends (sitting on the red couches) held up this picture after Danny sang. Apparently, the media and a lot of other people didn't like it. There was backlash... but not enough to keep him out of the top 8.
Anne and Emily take an unscheduled water-break, much to Scott's dismay. Shelby has noted that we only have one singer down and already people are taking a snack break. WE ARE HARD-CORE.
Kris is next and we thought that meant he was the next oldest - we were wrong. He has chosen to do "All She Wants to do is Dance" - Don Henley. Not sure what I think about this. Strange. I have become a big fan of Kris over the weeks, but didn't he learn a thing from the Matt G move of singing amidst the audience from last week? Not a good move.
Never heard that version before - Emily
Guitarist who wanted to sing, instead of a singer who plays guitar - Simon (I agree with that statement this week)
Very disappointed - Scott
He just stood in one place like his legs couldn't move - Abbey (LOL)
Didn't do anything for me, not horrible but not that great - Jen
We have a brief discussion on how old we all were in 1985. Jennifer simply could not believe that I was a freshman in 1985. Ok, fine, she wasn't THAT astonished... but it makes me feel good to dream.
Lil is REALLY named Lil, ok? It's NOT Lit-tle. She's cute. Lovin' her hair tonight! Finally! "What's Love Got to Do With It?" I hate it already. Hello, Tina Jr. She's totally out of tune. She even has the Tina shuffle dance going on. Now it's a toss-up between her and Scotty Mac in my mind on who needs to go bye bye tomorrow night.
She got to go - Julio (from the kitchen, no less!)
She's Karaoke - Scott
Kiss of death with the "You look hott" comment - ALL of us.
I like her eye makeup - Me
She probably hasn't listened to good music in several years - Anne (because she has 3 small kids)
I listen to their advice and take in everything they say - Lil
She just doesn't use it - me
We take a break to find our children. Ha!
Anoop is next. We pause to have a deep, philisophical discussion about Anoop. He shouldn't do R&B, we don't think. He starts True Colors and I am LOVING this arrangement. Niiiiice. I love it when Anoop sings like this. I would love to hear more of that.
We have a moment of hilarity.
Scott pauses it on the picture of Anoop's parent's and says: "That is the Indian version of my dad."
He pauses it again when Anoop starts to sing and says "Oh, my gosh. I just thought of something... that might be the Indian version of ME! I feel sick all of a sudden."
We decide to rename Scott. His new name is Scoop Deny.
Here is a picture of Scott's dad, who he thinks looks like Anoop's dad:
We catch our breath from laughing and the conversation continues:
You showed your true colors like a rainbow - Paula (gag)
Ah, straight up now tell me - Scott/Scoop Deny
I think my expectations are so low for Anoop that when he does ok, I'm pleasantly surprised. - Anne
They fixed Scott's hair, why can't they fix his? - Emily
Scotty Mac is next. He loves the macabre. Huh? What? Go figure. The first blind train conductor? (I got boo'd for this remark, by the way. Whatever!)
When he went for the high climax of the song, we all screamed, wailed, and made Scott/Scoop Deny rewind it.
Oh, come on - Bravo??? REALLY??? BRAVO????
There are children in the room or I would be really RUDE right now. - me (at press-time, I could not for the life of me remember what I was going to say, however.)
*** Does anyone else find it ironic that the lyrics to Scotty Mac's song are "The search is over... it was right before my eyes."
Allison is the baby of the group. She's next. "I Can't Make You Love Me" Ok, GOOD song choice, we all agree. We also all agree that it's a bit inappropriate for someone her age. We momentarily debate whether to make the youngins leave the room.
The worst I've heard her - Scott/Scoop Deny
meh - me
You gave all of your heart - Paula
Too much of your heart - me
Why doesn't someone tell her to sing "Heart" - Scott/Scoop Deny
She sounds like she's 35 - Anne
And a smoker - me
She needs to do a song by Pink - Anne
Or a Kelly Clarkson song - Emily
I just didn't feel it, Beth, I just didn't feel it. - Scoop Deny
Matt G is next - aka White Chocolate... aka Matty. I feel a picture is needed...

I sang in a children's musical at church called Angels Aware - Matt G.
Oh, my Gosh, I did that one! - Emily
Be quiet, he's acting - Scoop Deny (who promptly rewinds it)
"Part-Time Lovers" is the song. We've instructed the children to not pay attention to the lyrics. Ha!
Go, White Chocolate, Go!
WE. ARE. LOVING. IT! Celebration all around.
But, wait! The 5 yr olds in the next room suddenly become very loud and several of us demand that the show be paused. We take a brief moment ot usher the kids into the back room so we can hear Matty.
I'm still freaked out that we did the same musical - Emily
We did it, too - Jen
Us, too. - Anne
I don't feel so special now. - Emily
We had a fog machine and everything - Jen
I'm cracking up just reading that conversation!
Adam is next - and I am wondering what on earth he could do to take my mind... I mean, our minds off of Matt G. He's singing Mad World?
I liked to play dress-up, not soccer - Adam
What the crap is this song? - me
Wow - I've never heard him do that before - Emily (about his bobble at the end)
We all GASP at the standing ovation.
Every song sounds like the broadway version of that song - Anne
That's what he does - Jen
I love watching him on here, but wouldn't buy his cd - Emily
What would his CD even be? Showtunes? - Anne
We pretty much all agreed that Adam sang well tonight, but standing ovation from Simon-worthy? Nah.
During the recaps:
Did you know that when they show the recaps they're actually showing a clip from the rehearsal? - Anne
Listen to Danny Gokey - that is completely different from his performance. I don't think even he knows what he's going to do each time. - Anne
Anoop is safe this week, and not just because he's my Indian twin - Scoop Deny
Let me go to the garage and get my cardigan. - Scoop Deny
After most people left, Scoop Deny grabbed my lime green sweater and put it on... then grabbed a lightsaber and this is what happened...
Yep - that's Scoop Deny.
I give a big shout-out to those under 18 in the viewing party tonight!
All in all, this was one of the most fun nights I've had watching American Idol. It made me sad to think of watching it by myself next week and then blogging about it with only my own comments. Blah. So Anne had the bright idea for all of us to get on Skype next week. Do it.
Focusing my thoughts long enough to wrap it up here. Top 3 for me - Matty G., Anoop (that's right), and Adam. Yeah, he was good alright?
Bottom 3 is easy. It will be: Lil, Scotty Mac, and Allison. I don't think Allison deserves to be in the bottom 3, I just think she WILL be. Well, either her or Kris, simply because he was 2nd and that's a bad place to sing.
Man, I gotta go to bed!!! Until next week... Buh Bye!
this comment will be inappropriate for the "little ones" but my roommate is convinced that the only explanation for Simon's reaction to Adam's performace is that he and Adam are dating. (I toned down the language a bit).
Oooh....I want in on this Skype viewing party! Of course, it'll be me AND my entire college/career group, but hey, the more the merrier, right?
Jonnie, I'm laughing already just thinking about it. The more the merrier, indeed.
My only worry is how we're all going to synch the pauses, etc. I guess we just won't pause at all.
I have heard you are a funny dude - I look forward to hearing your remarks off-the-cuff. Beware, though - you will get quoted!!!
BTW, I think they ran long on purpose last nite to put Adam in jeopardy- I'll explain. If he goes into the bottom 3, it makes him look vulnerable, rousing his fledgling fanbase, mostly made up of teenage girls who don't know his orientation, and gay guys who do. If he gets the least votes , whether it's because of this or not, they'll use the Judges Save on him, and then can't use it again to save, say, Matt who they seem indifferent to. I know it sounds crazy, but we're talking about the #1 TV show for 8 years running. They know how to stay on time, I think they chose not to........
When I watched this last night, I kept thinking about you, Beth, and wondering what you were thinking.
First, I was in awe of Matty and loved the song, the hat, the whole thing, and I knew you would too. I was bummed that they were in such a rush and he didn't get gushed over as much as he should have been.
When Simon gave Adam the standing O, I so wanted to call and ask you if you thought it was warranted. I about passed out! I thought it was good, but I didn't think it was awe-worthy. I agree with your friends, he should just do broadway. I wouldn't buy his CD, unless it was for a show I liked.
Scott - I wish the judges would just forget he's blind and tell it like it is. He does not have the chops for this competition. Send the poor guy home!
I loved Allison - I hope she goes far. Kris - bad choice but still a fav of mine. I'm worried about Danny. He's just not wowing me like he did early on. His voice used to give me chills - now it's kind of empty...
Lil or Scott should go home - please!
Oh, I should have just skipped the blog this week. I felt like I had multiple personalities, switching between LOVING the commentaries and wanting to CRY because I wasn't there. I feel like the girl who went to prom but just stood against the wall watching everyone else dance. You KNOW how I hate to miss out on a good time. And, THAT was a good time. Clearly.
Haven't carefully watched the show yet ('cause, you know, my Ryan and I try to do it together on the weekend - this week, it'll be a mad dash to watch it on Tuesday when we return before the next episode airs Tuesday night). But I did catch bits and pieces and I can't really disagree with your assessment.
I'm worried about my girl, Lil. I loved her, but I have to agree with the judges - I think we've lost her. Where IS she?
Am praying that Danny can hold on. I know that Adam is giving him a run for his money, but I'm dying to see him in final two.
You know, I love me some Scotty Mac, but seriously ... I thought the very same thing ... "a blind train conductor?" Okay. Whatever.
I like Allison, but I don't think she's mature enough to handle a music career. I just don't. When she's singing, she's great. But as soon she stops performing, you remember ... she's 16.
And, I just about wet myself when I saw the picture of Scoop Deny in the cardigan. That's a classic. He's such a nut.
SIL #2
Very interesting theory, Jonnie - I had never thought of that... Hmmm.
Tracy, I feel extremely honored that you thought of me while watching the show. Oh, how I wish that we could somehow all be together JUST ONCE to watch it. Wouldn't that be a BLAST?
Jenni, Jenni, Jenni... you made me very very sad!!! As far as I'm concerned, you ARE with us! We talk about you all constantly. Next time, you're coming with!
Erika... you naughty girl! Private message me what your roommate really said. ;-)
It looks like you guys all had a BLAST! What fun! I've been missing it... I'm hooked on Dancing with the Stars! I enjoy reading up on Idol through your blog!
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