Hmph, they made it look like Paula was doing the "standing O" for Adam and she wasn't! It was for White Chocolate. Shoooot. Don't even get me started.
Paula is wearing gloves and Simon totally has a butt-cut going on. I mean, his haircut honestly is offensive to me. It looks like a butt. Simon, you have to be made of money - can you not find a better hair dresser?
Anyway... this is probably the first time I've gone into the results show not knowing who got kicked out.
Group number - Lil choreography at the beginning is ridiculous. Poor Scott. It's weird with only 2 girls left!!! And finally, THANK GOD THEY'RE NOT LIP-SYNCING THIS WEEK!!!!
Ford Music Video: Matty has some acting skills! When they showed Danny, Scoop Deny said "Ompah, Loopah". Ha! I love seeing the contestants behind the scenes and all of their personalities. They're pretty funny.
Aw, man. Flo Rida is performing their hit song and Lincoln loves this song... but he is currently asleep behind me in the chair with his mouth hanging wide open. Ha!
Anoop is in the bottom 3! He did so great last night.
Scott is in the bottom 3! He didn't.
Lil is in the bottom 3 for the first time! Thank goodness!
I would like to say one thing about Matt. I found out today that he is in the Big Brother program as a mentor. You can read the story here:
CALAMRI! We were all trying to figure out what it was that Kelli Pickler hadn't heard of before. When Ryan said Calamari, we all yelled it out. Kelli's had some work done on her face and we can't quite figure out WHAT. We've narrowed it down to the cheek area. Possibly cheek implants.
Scott is gone. Will they save him? I can't believe they are even debating this! Seriously??? Oh, man, Abbey is cracking me up. She is taking the words right out of my mouth. Scoop Deny and Shelby are debating with us about whether Scott could even win. They say yes (I think they're playing devil's advocate, honestly) but Abbey and I say no. Don't waste the save. He's a nice guy, but as Abbey said "Sorry, this is a singing competition, not a personality contest." Ha! That's my girl.
Anyway, it's over. Once we get rid of Lil next week, it's going to be REALLY hard to start knocking them off one by one. I mean, seriously!
The heat is turned up now. Who will go home next???
What do you mean "THANK GOD THEY WERE NOT LIP-SYNCING"??? Are you serious? Did you HEAR them? I would totally rather watch them lip sync badly than sit and cringe at some of those notes they hit (or didn't). Just sayin'. :-)
Just a note on Kelly Pickler -- Julio and I couldn't figure out what it was that she had done, but also agreed she definitely did something. But I thought it was a little sad, because even though she still looks absolutely beautiful, I didn't see that same kind-of sassy-but-sweet personality in her features any more. Anyway, I still always have to look to see if she has "tarantulas" on her eyes...
Touche', Emily! Touche'!
I don't know if I spelled that right, but I think you get what I mean.
Yes, they did sound HORRID... but so was their lip-sucking... I mean syncing.
Yeah, Kellie did herself WRONG by having work done.
Miss y'all!
Okay.....Not to put too fine a point on it, but........Kelly Pickler is a TERRIBLE singer!....Just dreadful.
And, as for "work" that she might have had done, I didn't watch her season of Idol, but all the Idol message boards were thinking facelift and obvious breast implants. Some of them even posted some pretty convincing before and after photos. If I were her, I'd focus more on my voice than that stuff....In the age of Autotune, she might sell some records, but that live performance definitely cost her some credibility, IMHO.....
Jonnie - LOL! You are so right! She used to be a great singer... well, ok, a good singer. She was not a good singer last week on that song.
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