Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Season 8 - Top 5! Whoo hoo!

SOOO sorry I missed last week! Truly I am. But, I twittered/Facebooked all of my thoughts. It was like a blog in short blasts. :-)

OK, so here's the deal. I personally think this is the best group of top 5 we've ever had on Idol. I can honestly say that there isn't one bad singer in the bunch. Maybe that's why I've put off writing my blog until now. There's really no one to make fun of! I'm not going to be slamming anyone this time, I feel sure. So... if that's why you tune in, you might not want to read any further.

But wait! I forgot all about the judges! Yeah, scratch that. Immediately I had to pause so I could touch on 2 quick things as the judges were announced. 1) Did Kara forget to shave her pits? I mean, she threw that arm up there to wave and... it looked suspicious. I've no room to talk in this area. Not to get too TMI, but with my dark hair I can certainly get the 5 o'clock shadow going on... there. But, if I was going to be on national TV in front of millions and was wearing spaghetti straps (which would NEVER happen. Read, NEVER), I sure wouldn't be throwing my pits in the camera if I hadn't ensured those babies were smooth as a - well, a baby's bottom. And 2) What in the world is Paula wearing? 'nuff said about that.

Ok, moving on! No, wait. It looks like Simon has on a newish black v-neck T. Way to go, Cowell.

I can already tell you I'm HATING Matt's hat. Again? Really?

Jamie Foxx is the mentor. Really? For Standards week? Really? Ok. Whatev. Bring it on.

Oh, my - Kris is looking ADORABLE tonight. I'm going to pretend for a moment that I don't know who's going home - or already gone. I will say this: If Matt goes home, Kris is my new man. I just love him. He truly is an artist in my opinion. Can't wait to hear him. "The Way You Look Tonight". Ahhh. You know, in week one of the top 36, I ranked Kris DEAD LAST. I had no idea what he was capable of. Now I do. He's awesome. And WOW, he controlled his weird sideways jaw thing. This is good. Smoooooth. Ok, I could've done without the tempo change. It seemed weird and disjointed. To me. And... weird ending note that made me nervous. But he worked it out. Good job!

Kara = blah blah blah blah blah

Allison's hair looks a lot better tonight. But, seriously, the girl has the weirdest personality. By the way - can I just say that Jamie Foxx is actually doing a great job mentoring. Also, Allison's outfit is the best one she's ever had on in the competition. I think she sounds amazing tonight. Great job singing this song so far. This is what I've been wanting from her - just singing, not the growling, grunting, gyrating stuff she's been doing in the past. ("It's weird to see a girl that you feel maybe is going to peak soon - even appearance-wise - because she's so mature-looking..." - Aaron) Well-said, honey.

Kara is just way too hyper tonight. Calm down.
Simon is WAY off on this one. Allison was the tonight.

Ok, back to Matt's hat-wearing fetish. My good friend Jonnie has a theory. Should I share it or let him share it in the comments section? I'm not sure I can do it justice... but I'll try. Jonnie thinks that Matt has had surgery to remove his mole on his forehead and the hat these 2 weeks is covering it up. He thinks if Matt makes it past tonight - no, he bet me a million dollars that if Matt made it past this week that he woul reveal a mole-less forehead next week, and go hatless. We shall see. Good advice from Jamie Foxx on changing the key. I like the smokiness of the beginning. Love his cute little dimples. Anyway. "Nooooooot if you care for me" - that lick was SICK. It was so jazzy and yummy. Randy is off his rocker and Kara is his little puppet tonight. 6 out of 10!?!?!?!?! Whatever. Shut up, Kara. I thought it was awesome. Not emotionally connected? Is that the best she can come up with? I just love him - he seems like a humble guy and I like that. I do wish he was more confident, though.

Ok, I'm waiting for Danny to deliver tonight. I need him to be original. I love love love his voice. Now he needs to transcend the voice into... I don't know... something MAGICAL. This is my favorite performance from Danny, for sure. When he starts out so smooth and controlled, it makes me WANT to hear him GO OFF, ya know? WOW. WOWEE. Danny has found his niche. That was UH-MAZING. I will say that was one of my favorite performances by ANY Idol, ever. Seriously. Loved it. They should've let him go last. I don't care what Adam does, it'll be hard to beat that.

So, I REALLY love the song "Feeling Good". But perhaps you'll recall that every single person that's attempted to sing it on Idol has met their demise as a result. Such will not be the case with Adam, but it's a sobering thought, nonetheless. Personally, I don't care for his arrangement... and I'm so sorry Lindsey but he is terribly pitchy. Lindsey says I say Adam is pitchy every week. I thought she was wrong, but now I think she may have a point. Ha! But see, I know this song and he's not on pitch. The big note was awesome, especially the control he showed coming down from the note. Is it just me or are Kara and Paula icy to each other tonight? "We're watching the Olympics and you are our Michael Phelps." - Paula. Okaaaay.

Ok, if I'm being TOTALLY honest, I guess Matt might've been the weakest of the night... followed by Kris, my next favorite.

My favorite of the night was Danny, by a long-shot. Followed by Allison. Adam was just ok for me tonight. Whenever they play the recaps at the end of the show, I always think Adam does better in his rehearsal snip. Wonder why?

Ok, I'm gonna go watch the results show... even though I already know who got kicked off. :-( I always think it's sad at this point to send anyone home. They're all good.


Anonymous said...

OK, it was worth every bit of my wait for this blog to read you talking about your 5 o'clock shadow. I laughed right out loud. It really IS easy to be candid when sitting behind a computer. Love that. Ryan and I said the same thing about Lil a few weeks ago. Now, I'm gonna have to go back and re-watch Kara's armpits. Gotta say ... I'm with you. Whatever you do when you have sleeves on, I'm good with that. But if you're going to bare your pits to the world, those puppies gotta be smooth as ... well, a baby's bottom. Man, you crack me up.

Wish I could articulate for you how loudly I squealed when I read your review of Danny's performance.

And I totally agreed about Allison. Man, if she had sung like this weeks before and dressed like this weeks before, I would have been a much bigger fan of hers.

I'm completely fascinated by the mole theory ... because, well, you know, it's an issue for me. Very distracting. I know it shouldn't be, and I'm being shallow for allowing it to be. But it is. Can't wait to see if Johnnie has the inside track.

And your comment about Kris' weird sideways jaw thing ... yes! I have been saying over and over that his mouth bothers me ... not what comes out of it, but looking at it. And, when I read this blog, I realized "that's it!" When he goes sideways, it's weird. Reminds me a little of Reba McEntire. It's distracting. But I think that boy is in a race for the prize, and he doesn't intend to give it up without a fight. Love that he just kind of came out of nowhere and started blowing us all away.

SIL #2

Tracy said...

Thank you for still sharing your thoughts, Beth! AI is just not the same without you.

About Paula's dress - I told Charlie that it looked like she taped a bunch of red envelopes to her chest.

I'll be looking for the mole too ...

I was so pleased to see Adam in the bottom two last night. He seemed so smug that it was nice to see him knocked down a peg. I thought his performance this week was very theatrical and over-the-top. I'm not a fan - probably because the judges are always falling all over themselves with him. We get it. You think he should win. Now just let us decide.

Jonnie said...

Glad you decided to blog this week. And, as for my mole theory, I stand by it. Either way, he had to know that wearing the hat would remove the distraction and maybe earn more votes. We Idol watchers are a catty bunch. I really like Matt, and I will definitely buy his record, but the mole has to go......Seriously, it has its own personality. I would not be surprised if they zoomed in on it to find that the mole is hitting all the high notes for him. Everyone knows that Matt's mole has a mean falsetto. And I'm glad to see you coming around on Danny. He's good people, and any comparisons to Taylor Hicks are misinformed. Not knocking Hicks, who seems like a nice enough guy, but his "soul" seems so contrived while Danny's has a genuineness to it. Good stuff....

Victoria said...

Okay, so I really missed your thouhts last husband and I were so curious what you thought of Adam last week...but I digress. This week's blog was awesome.

This week had some good performances despite being "mentored" by Jamie Foxx...I mean come on! (I really can't get passed what he said about Miley Cyrus - I am not a huge fan of hers but what he said was way inappropriate. Ok off that subject that is not what we are here for ).

My fave this week was Kris. I think the finale will be down to Kris and Adam. I have lost some of my love for Adam and it has all gone to Kris. Kris has got to be one of the most original Idol's yet.

So about Adam, I have n real comment this week, because I fell asleep during Danny's performance and missed the last of the show. That's what a 2 month old will do to

I also enjoyed Allison this week. I was worried for her at first because of it being standards week but man she held her own.

The next few weeks will be tough...maybe I should start voting. Don't want another Daughtry to happen with Kris!

A million dollar bet, huh? I think maybe Jonnie knew that Matt would be gone and you would never know the answer :) The mole is very distracting terrible am I for saying that?!?!?!

I gotta say, I love the armpit comment...seriously, that was the funnest thing I have heard in a long time...