Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Season 8, Top 10 Performance Night

Ow! It's Motown night - I love me some soul music. Aaron is peacefully sleeping beside me, but he gave me the go-ahead to watch tonight's show and get my blog on.

Seriously with the announcer each week? Simon looked a little geeky walking out there. Ryan is talking but the judges haven't taken a seat yet. What in the world are they doing?

I'm not feeling Randy's outfit tonight, either.

Oh. My. Goodness. Does Scott MacIntyre have on pink pants? That's just cruel. Cruel!

I love Smokey Robinson's eyes. So pretty. He's written over 4,000 songs? My word.

My man, Matt Giraud, is up first. Lord, help me. "Let's Get it On". My my my. Just him rehearsing in front of Smokey is awesome. Ok, so he starts and I can honestly say it is a STRONG start for him. Probably the best I've heard him so far. Nice. He mixes it up a little and doesn't just mimick Marvin's version... but when he does mix it up, he remains respectful to the original. And now he moves away from the piano. I like the way he moves - at least he has rhythm. Some just look awkward. WOW. wow. He was amazing. Spot on. Loved it. Awesome. My favorite. Ahhhhhh. Love him. (can you tell?)

Ha ha, Kara. You took the words right outta my mouth.

Kris Allen is up next. I like this little guy. "How Sweet It is". Kris has totally grown on me over the weeks. I think he has a future on the radio. Kris reminds me of a little kitten when he sings. Good job so far! Ok, it IS getting just a tad bit boring... but then he rocks it out in the end. Liked it. He put his own spin on it.

More Ryan and Simon banter. Blah blah blah.

Aw, man. Scott McIntyre is up and I am NOT looking forward to it at all. He seems like the nicest guy in the world, which is what makes me so darn mad that they've done this to him. He is not a good enough singer to still be in the competition at this point! And the fact that he's still in it and Alexis went home is just not right. But anyway... let's hear what he has for us. Yep, pink pants. Ryan says "Good to see you" Way to set him up, Ry. "I'm going to find other ways to take risks" - yeah, like the pink pants. Poor Smokey is just not sure what to say, is he? Oh, gag. I'm SORRY. I don't like it. My favorite backup singer is gone. Where's Charlotte? I mean, Scott is trying his best! And he is the sweetest thing! I just want to hug him. But I don't want to hear him sing. Ever again.

Oh, Simon! You make me laugh. "How much more can I take?"

Thank you, Simon. You hit it on the head. He is irrelevant to contemporary music.

"I have something for Simon" - Paula, as she reaches under the desk
"We're not allowed to show that" - Ryan
"Dare I ask what other things you have under the table?" - Ryan
"It's under my skirt." - Paula
Oh, my.

Megan Joy is next and what will she bring? Oh, dear Lord. Oh, this is so bad. You know what it reminds me of? When I was little, I used to watch Love Boat. This sounds like the music on there. Poor, poor Megan. It's not the 70's anymore, love. She's so pretty, but this just wasn't good. She should've slowed it down. She doesn't have the chops to belt out the high notes, either. Bad. Buh bye.

Wow, Anoop is doing the twist. This should be... entertaining. Here's the deal... I like Anoop when he's crooning me. Sing the ballads to me, Anoop Desai. Ok, so he's doing a Smokey song. "Ooo, baby baby". Anoop's upper register is so lovely. What is up with that funky jacket? Ok, his upper notes sound a little breathy, like he's nervous. He's sweating... take that funky jacket off. I love his high notes, but could do without his falsetto. Does that make sense? I wish he hadn't started out sitting down... but what can ya do? Anoop really can sing. I liked it. It wasn't as good as Matt. But it was good. Anoop dawg.

Who's next? Aw, Michael Sarver. Bottom 3 last week. He has a nice voice and is such a sweetheart. "Ain't Too Proud to Beg" and he's gonna church it up, ha! Smokey gives Michael some really good advice. Get gritty with it. Honestly, he's not doing as well with this as I hoped he would. I mean, it's GOOD... it's just not blowing me away. There were some moments where he almost lost the pocket. Gosh, he's so sweet. "Yes, Ma'am" he said to Paula. I'm telling you, I could just hug him. Hug him and Scott both. But don't really want them on the show. Sorry. I wanted Michael in the top 36... I just don't think he can win. Man, I'm agreeing with Kara a lot tonight... hate that.


Lil Rounds is next. Can I make a confession. I'm not a Lil fan. Oh, wait. Maybe I've made that confession before. I just feel that she has so many fans, that I need to reiterate each week that I like her but I don't love her. Now... about heatwave. I do love this song. I did this song at Dill's. The band always complained that it was too easy to play and they got bored. Yes, Randy, the song was rushed. I thought Lil started out really good, but then indeed screamed her way through most of it. Once again, I have to agree with Kara. Lil is not accepting her criticism very well. Yes! Gladys Knight's "Heard it through the grapevine" would've been a perfect choice.

I'm probably driving Aaron crazy by now. He wakes up every so often and listens and makes a comment... then drifts back to sleep.

Oooo, Adam Lambert looks great tonight! He looks like Elvis. One thing I know about Adam... he will keep it interesting. He had a little bobble on the pitch right near the beginning... and again after the crecendo in the middle. I'm honestly not blown away. There's another pitchy bobble. Keep it in tune, Adam. It was cool, though. I like last week better, just to be honest.

"I got 6 words for you... one of the best performances of the night." - Kara
Honey, that's 7 words - me.

Ok, back to Adam real quick. I think Adam has a real talent and gift with his voice and musicality. But I just wasn't blown away by his vocals tonight like I was last week. LOVED the setup with the musicians and the acoustic arrangement. Hmmm, I just ran it all the way back and listened again just to make sure I was hearing what I thought I was hearing . Yep, he was wobbly. There were just places where he seemed like he didn't know where he wanted to go with his notes. Last week may have been freaky, but at least he nailed his notes.

No, Simon. Not the best performance of the night. That would be Matt. :-) No, seriously. Not just because Matt's dead-sexy on the piano... He nailed it. Adam had the artistic award of the night, though.

Danny Gokey is next, which means they saved Allison for last... which means she must have a show-stopper and they don't want her to go home. Very crafty. Ok, back to Danny. I love this song. He was MADE to sing this type of song. But, he's turning into a little Taylor Hicks with his crazy dance moves. Oh, my! His soul is awesome. It's bugging me that he's saying "reaty" instead of "ready" at times. The song sounds rushed. He should've changed it up more. Hope he's not losing his edge. Let's see what the judges have to say... Not much. they're rushed, too!

Allison Iraheta is last. Papa was a Rolling Stone. This song tells a story, and has some killer moments in it. Again I say - are we sure this girl isn't in her 30's? Stop. I detest what she's wearing. Wha? But - WOWEE. Her vocals are SMOKING HOT. Allison. Oh, my. She is amazing. Get that girl some new clothes. Well, obviously Kara loved her. Paula has a freshly painted on mustache, thanks to Simon. I wish Allison would tone down her hair and get a stylist... but her voice is kickin!!!!!

So funny to me as they were playing back the snippets for the phone numbers, you can tell they took the snippets from the warm-up.

Bottom 3 is easy this week. Scott, Megan and Michael. Which one goes home is anyone's guess. Based on the performance alone, I'd have to say Megan. She was awful, bless her heart. But I'd love for it to be Scott. And I dislike myself for even feeling that way!

Best of the night goes to Allison, Matt and I guess Adam for his originality. But I really like Kris and Anoop, too.

Bummer I didn't get to vote tonight. :-(


Talysa said...

Girl there may need to be some sort of intervention for people like us....I think I may have actually been BLUSHING when Matt sang that me Jesus!....NEVER have I agreed with Kara more!;-)

Adam actually won me over to his side this week...last week he called..this week, I answered.

At this point in the show, I'm sick of hearing Scott, Anoop, Sarver, Megan, and Kris....not because they are horrible...well, some of them are just that...but because it's obvious to me that as good as they may be in thei own right, they are not gonna win this competition with the likes of Matt, Danny, Adam, and Allison and Lil around. And even out of those power vocalists, there are a few obvious ones that just aren't gonna hang in the end based on the fact that they just aren't stepping up their game every week.. And out of those, there is only one obvious winner to me...and you DON'T need 3 guesses girl!

Speaking of Lil....why didn't she do "Natural Woman" or something!?!?!? Girl coulda nailed that!

Oh, and "My Guy" would have been so much better for Megan...still not a fan though. I'm so ready for her to go cause I'm so tired of hearing my husband walk around singing like her making fun of her phrasing..."after midniiiiiight"

Allison is good. But I get sorta sick of her tone maybe? Or just her style of singing? Or maybe the snarling as she closes out notes? She did hit one note of falc last night which was like music to my ears just to hear her do something different.

I totally agree with your bottom 3...I would probably pick Megan too...although it's hard to know...I dislike all three.

Why do I even bother with an opinion...especially when I voted like 30 times for Matt! It's like I can't even hear those other people! ;-)

Lindsey said...

Ahhh...I love this season!

Ok, so yes, matt was making me want to yes to his "let's get it on"! Except I love Adam like you love Matt. Adam makes me melt...I digress.

Chris is cute and good but sounds too much like Jason Mraz...whom I am not a fan because I get tired of his voice. I think this song was really safe for him...but he is still adorable!

Jeremy thought I was a horrible person last night because I said I felt sorry for Scott because he couldn't see how bad he looked. His stylist should feel like a mean person. But I think his voice is voting and needs to go home.

Poor Megan. I really liked her in the beginning. Her voice was different and unique. What was with the outfit? That did not help her. I still wish they would keep her over Scott too.

Anupp..blah. Let's face it. He just isn't the next American Idol. But he does have a good voice. He just has boring stage presence.

Micheal...I liked him tonight actually but more for the fun aspect. I want to hug him too! Love me some southern boys!

And I am not a Lil rounds fan either! It does sound like she's screaming. I just don't enjoy her performances. Too many people out there can sound just like her. And so right...she did not like that critisism.

And you are crazy! Adam is brilliant!!! Gorgeous, unique, super talented and makes a gorgeous drag queen! Haha! I don't have the ear you do but this boy has my heart and I was totally moved by his performance. And I said he looked like Elvis to Jeremy and Jeremy said "yeah he does if you don't know what Elvis looked like," meanie.

I love Danny. He is so super cute. And he has such a dirty voice and I love it! He would be fun to hang out with :) his dancing makes me least he knows it's bad.

Allison has been one of my favorites from the beginning. She needs to be in the finals and last night totally proved it. If I couldsing I would want to sing like her! Thy was an incredible performance!!! But yes....that outfit is BAD! And she just needs to tone down the red but I like her as a red head.

Anonymous said...

LOVE the blog, girl! Keep it coming!

Victoria said...

Okay, so I agreed with most everything you posted this week...except Adam. I became a huge fan of Adam after this week's performance. I loved what he did with the performance and his look this week was smokin'!

I wasn't impressed with Scott this week and Michael no longer impresses me. He should have not made into the top 12...

Anyway, I think it may be either Megan or Michael, even Scott going home this week.

Bessie Moo said...

Hey, hey, hey, people! Y'all are acting like I threw Adam to the wolves or something. I gave him props. I just thought last week was better vocally. This week was really really good... and more than that, this week was really really SMART of him.

I think Adam has mad skills... but unfortunately I have this blessing/curse thing going on where I hear pitch problems clear as a bell.

Talysa, your "last week he called... this week, I answered" line made me crack up! Hilarious!

Lindsey! You don't like Jason Mraz???? How has this fact escaped me until now???? I still love you...

Jonnie - thanks! Welcome to the blog!

Victoria - hello! So glad you joined us! Comments are always welcome!

Tracy said...

Beth, again, I just have to say that I LOVE your commentary!

I love Matt more and more every week. I thought he did so awesome. I was scared to death when he stepped away from the piano, but he did not disappoint! Really, after him, I thought the others paled in comparison.

I moved over to the Adam side a lot more after last night. Even last week, I knew he was brilliant. I just couldn't get on board. Talysa - exactly, he called, I answered. LOL :-) I can't hear the pitch problems, so it all sounded good to me.

Allison - lose the weirdo red hair.
Danny - slow down, boy, and bring it!

Beth - you rock. Your picks are "spot on!" :-D

Bessie Moo said...

No one caught yet that Kara's Adam Lambert rant was actually 8 words. She said it was 6 and I was so tired, I heckled back that it was 7. Count'em. 8. We're both crazy.

Bessie Moo said...

Tracy, thank you so much!!!! I love your commentary, as well!!!

It's fun doing this together!