Thursday, February 28, 2008

Top 20 - Women

I'm in a hurry tonight, so let's get on with it. (It's almost time for the results show)

Carly Smithson - I am soooo jealous. "Crazy" by Heart is one of my all-time favorite songs and it's always been my dream to perform it live. Carly definitely has the pipes for it and gave me several chillbump moments... but Anne Wilson, she is not. I just didn't particularly like the "arrangement" of it. Not the band, so much, but her choice of phrasing. In fact, I would've had her start it slower and build up to the rock-ness off it. My opinion. The girl can sing. Randy - must you accuse everyone of having pitch problems? She didn't in the beginning or end - like you said. It was the middle, where you said she did well.

Syesha - I had a feeling she wouldn't do very well this week. This girl has pitch problems. I'll just go ahead and say it. She's beautiful. She has a great voice. She just needs to learn how to stay in TUNE. Not a good song choice AT ALL, I will agree there. There were so many better choices out there.

Brooke - Good choice with the Carly Simon. She started strong - like the guitar playing. When she got to the chorus, though, she got very shaky, as usual. Use your diaphragm, girl! Big breaths. She's a sweet, cute girl, though. She'll probably make it to the top 12. Nice - strong ending. I'd like to hear more of that grit in her voice!!!

Ramiele - are we surprised she hulas? Nah. And she has something in common with Sanjaya! remember that? Ooh, I love this song - Don't Leave Me This Way. She needs more freedom and runs at the beginning. Oh, girl, don't get so into dancing that you get off in your singing. I could've stood to hear more backups on this song. You know - other than this song being incredibly boring and having a weird ending, it was just ok. She is a good singer. Stays on pitch most of the time. Hate the outfit, but what do I know? Ha ha, Simon says he's heard this song at ghastly weddings? I bet! This song at a wedding??? Whatev.

Kristy Lee Cook - obviously this little girl is feeling better. She kicked it off strong and fiesty. Gotta love some Linda Ronstadt. There is just something missing from this performace, though. Ouch, what was that? Phlegm? Lousy ending. Is she holding back?

Amanda Scary - Hmmm, she and David Cook should get along well. They both like to read. Oh, my word. She looks horrible. I'm sorry. I don't mean that to be hurtful, even though I am PMSing like crazy. She just did herself wrong by doing her hair like that and... everything else. The beginning of the song was AWFUL. The ending of the song - the very ending - wasn't too bad, surprisingly.

Alaina - I like this girl. I didn't like for my food touch when I was a little girl, either. Hopelessly Devoted is such a fun song to sing. But man, she did better last week. I was looking forward to her getting to that big part of the song, and she blew it. I can absolutely overlook it, though. She is good. She will come back.

Alexandrea - Oh, man, this song takes me back! I don't know what to think about this gal. I think she is a fine singer, and usually a great performer... and she tries hard every time she's on stage. She MIGHT make it into the top 12.

Kady - what is it about this girl? Honestly, I think she should just be an impersonator. I actually like the song tonight. (or last night) Always love me some Heart. She had some really good moments.

Asai'h - I was wondering if anyone was going to do this song. I got really worried when she hit the first chorus and her voice dropped out. The first verse was a little shaky and let me tell you that is a HARD song to sing and a hard part to sing. I wish Carly would've sung it. I would LOVE for this girl to get some lessons and learn how to focus the sound more and use her resonation. She SOOOO sings from the back of her throat. It could be so much better. I love her personality, though, and he charisma. Love her.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Top 20 - Men

And we start tonight with Paula's hair looking WAY better. Has she been reading my blog, perhaps? Or maybe just her hairstylist has.

It's 70's night. Can't we just let these kids pick their own music? Must we give them a decade to choose from? Grrr.

Michael Johns - Straight out of the cage with Fleetwood Mac. Ouch. BAD song choice. Now I severely regret picking him as my top choice this week on the Fantasy Idol site. Gee. This really stunk in places. I would've definitely lowered it a step or so. He improved towards the end. Were the judges even listening??? It was not that great. In fact, it was downright painful in places. However, it is not easy to sing Fleetwood Mac and considering that, he actually didn't do that bad. I would've liked for him to actually put a new spin on the song. That might've bene better. He's a cutie, though, and seems to be really nice. He's not going anywhere.

Jason Castro - My new personal favorite after last week. Too much makeup is my first thought. Was he afraid Simon would make a comment about his pale complexion this week since Garrett Haley is gone? Ok, his interview WAS quite weird. He starts his song and it's the Bee Gee's. Or wait, is it Andy Gibb? Can't remember. He starts out very strong. But it quickly loses steam. His high notes were not good. But he's very likable. You know, when you think about the songs of the 70's however... were there any really BIG showstopper songs? I guess if you go the disco route, which I happen to like. But still, for guys, there weren't a lot of big voices that I can remember. We had a LOT of men singing in falsetto back then. Odd.

Luke Menard - How ironic that he mentions that in order to do acapella music, you have to be flawless. Hmmm... did he forget that tonight. Tough song choice, but a good one for his voice type. Too bad he isn't really nailing it. He's a handsome guy. Maybe that will carry him... He definitely has done himself a favor by picking up the tempo and flirting with the camera. Maybe people will forget that he's sharp for half of the song and flat the other. Now the song is getting boring. And he tried to play with it at the end and it didn't really work. But, all in all, I think people will remember him as doing well. Ha, Ryan just called him Dawson's Creek. Funny.

Robbie Carrico - the first thing I noticed was that Robbie's hair looks awful. Did he and Paula trade hair? It's just way too girly. Oh, I love it. Ryan's face when Robbie said for Simon to get used to it was priceless. Ooh, Hot Blooded. Foreigner. Lou Graham. 70's Rock. Robbie has a good voice. And how nice of him to use his fingers when singing "fever of a hundred and three". Psh. I seriously do not buy him as a rocker. And last week he was WAY better. Three Dog Night was a much better choice for him. Hmmm, Paula is so flirty tonight!

Danny Noriega - Oh, this kid. He is so... sooo Jessica Alba! He's more Jessica Alba than Jessica Alba is! Honestly, I like his voice. I just wish he wasn't so fiesty and girly. Nice job on the song, though. If I didn't have to LOOK at him and his funky facial expressions, I would really enjoy his music. I will take his slow vibrato over Michael John's super-fast vibrato ANYDAY.

David Hernandez - Apparently David works topless in a gay bar according to So, are we surprised to learn that he was really good at gymnastics? Nah. He can do a mean cartwheel. David has some SOLID vocals. And thankfully, he is showing much more personality this week. Wow - I really enjoyed this! Nice. I love love love his voice. Why are people always so surprised to get a good remark from Simon? He just tells the truth, usually.

Jason Yeager - Hmmm, so David plays numerous instruments. Maybe he will redeem himself this week, because he stunk last week. OH! The Doobie's! One of my favorites. Yes! PERFECT song for little Jason. He is still a little Show Choir'ish for my taste, but SUCH an improvement! You go, Jason. Oh, my, though - that cheesy ending! Ugh. RANDY!!!!! WHAT????? Pitchy? Compared to most of the other guys this week, he was definitely NOT pitchy. I disagree with the judges on this one. I liked it. Simon was dead-on on the choreography at the end. But they were really cruel and merciless on this poor, nice guy. Boo.

Chikezie Eze - I don't know this song from Adam, but I like it! It's so much better than last week. However - I wasn't sure what key he was in at the beginning. ??? Did he just get off??? Oh well, not to worry, he got back on-key. Nice song choice. Very clever. He redeemed himself this week... and I done lost myself my Fantasy Idol fo' sho'. I picked ole Chikezie to go home this week.

David Cook - He plays the guitar backwards like Jimi Hendrix. Redemption draweth nigh for David this week. For me, anyway. Last week was ridiculous and I hated it. This week, while still a bit ridiculous at times, it was quite enjoyable.

David Archuleta - Gee, the little guy has a fan club already. I'm trying to guess what song he will sing while they go to break... dunno. Let me fast-foward. "Imagine" Ok. It's nice. I like it, and usually people destroy this song. David has such a great voice. It was solid.

I am just too tired at this point to make a guess as to who is going home. Maybe I'll make my picks after the girls sing tomorrow night.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

My Picks for Week 1

Oops - I almost forgot to do this! The show is getting ready to start.

The girls saying bye-bye tonight will be Amy Davis and Joanne Borgella.

The boys taking their last bow will be Jason Yeager and Luke Menard... with Garrett Haley taking a BIG sigh of relief.

Let's see how it shakes out.

Top 24 Ladies - Week 1

Ok, so the bad flu (as opposed to the good flu) has hit the female contestants... this should be interesting. I don't want to get out of bed when I have the flu - bad or otherwise - and I can't imagine having to get in front of the world and pretend as though I feel like singing for my life! In fact, I was sick last night when I got home from church and - GASP - didn't even watch the show but went straight to bed after watching the eclipse.

First up...

Kristy Lee Cook - Aw, she sold her prize horse to go to American Idol. Can you imagine how silly she would've felt if she hadn't made it this far? I hope she can buy that horse back. If this performance is any indication... the horse is glue. Her hair looks better curly. Ok, she must be one of the sick ones - she looks pekid. Wow, this is a watered-down version of this song. Very boring. It just keeps going and going and going. As the song ends, the poor thing just looks like she's going to pass out. She sings well, it was just THERE. But, gosh, if she's sick maybe she deserves a second chance. Dunno. Paula sounds high. One odd note: as Kristy was singing, it showed the boys' reaction and some of them were clapping along but David Cook was just staring a whole through her. Suppose he's from the lineage of Cooks that don't like her side of the Cooks??? Ha.

Joanne Borgella - Ok, is she sick, too? Gee. That was not good. I have not been a fan of her from the beginning. If I hear one more time that she is a plus-size model I'm gonna puke. I was just not impressed by her voice. But, she DOES look sick.

Alaina Whitaker - Yes, she does look like Carrie Underwood. Let's just see how she sounds, though! She is a cutie. Much better personality than Carrie, it seems. Nice control of the voice. It's hard to sing that low and keep it in control. WOW - this girl is good. I love her performance! Very nice voice. No, Randy, it was not rough at the beginning. Did Paula just say that Diana Ross's performance of this song was a very dreadful experience??? Oh, my. Brazen. I can't say enough good things about little Alaina, though.

Amanda Overmyer - This chick is only 23? She seems older. She comes out strong... if not a little scary. Now, SHE is legitimate. Robbie Carrico a rocker? Nah. Amanda Overmyer? Heck yeah. Do I prefer this sound? Nah. But someone does. She can perform. No doubt about that. I like it when she smiles! It's not as scary. If we don't vote for her, is she going to come and find us and beat us up?

Amy Davis - Very pretty girl - great bone structure. Can she sing? I remember her first audition and thought that they made a mistake by putting her through. Shaky voice, I thought. Seems I was right. So many things wrong with this performance!!!! 1) who did her hair and makeup? Wrong. 2) Who picked this song? Wrong. 3) Why is she singing like that? Wrong. The placement in her voice is all wrong. Too forced. Not good control. Off-pitch. I'm not trying to be mean. This is my knee-jerk reaction. Oh, my word. This is unbearable. I bet that girl from Nashville that got beat out by Joanne Borgella is fuming right now.

Brooke White - I don't know what to think about this girl - the rated R girl. I thought her first audition in hollywood was not that great, but they gave her a free ride to the end. She seems like a really nice girl. Ok, I'm just going to say right off the bat that it's a bad song choice. She sounds nervous. She looks AWESOME. But her voice sounds weak and shaky. Why does she keep grabbing her head? Paula still sounds high. It's like she forgets she's on the show and gets startled by her turn to talk.

Alexandrea Lushington - I feel like I don't know much about this girl. Thank you, Alexandrea! She got into it, looked her age, performed and did it well. At least at first. She kinda lost it when she went up high. At least she gave it some energy. I liked it. Paula=still high. Simon=high by contact? He was way off on this one.

Kady Malloy - Oh, this girl... I don't know. She seems like a bratty little girl who has never been told no in her life. Hmmm, maybe she can take over Britney Spears life since she has her voice so down-pat. Anyway, she starts off pretty strong if not a little odd. She has a grunt to her voice that she should reserve for special moments in the song. Ok, she really got off in the middle of the song and again towards the end... but all in all, I think she will and should go a little further in the competition.

Asai'h Epperson - Wow, I wasn't too sure about her before this performance. But, this girl rocked it out. Personality plus. It was very enjoyable. I don't think she'll win or anything... but it was really good.

Ramiele Malubay - This girl is so cute. She performs well. She either has experience or she has spent some quality time in her bedroom with the hairbrush in front of the mirror. It was off-pitch at times, but it didn't bother me too much. She has some really good moments. She will hang around for awhile.

Syesha - She is beautiful and has a lot going for her. She had some pitchy places (and does with every performance I've seen, no matter how overall great) but it was a high-energy, good performance. She will end up in the final 4 if she doesn't blow it.

Carly Smithson - I like this girl. I felt bad for what happened to her last season. I hate this song, though. And she has some immediate pitch problems, but pulled it out in the end. Man, does she remind anyone else of Steve Perry? Totally! Best vocal of the past 2 days? Mmm, I don't know. It was good, though. She kind of put me off with her "Sick is not an excuse" comment. It was a little catty.

Ok, those are my thoughts! Let's see what happens tonight!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Top 24 Guys - Week 1

Oooh, I am so excited!!!! I LOVE the top 24 - have I mentioned that already???

I should probably tell you that I am part of an illustrious Fantasy American Idol group. It's pretty elaborate. I only "know" one person in the group, but feel very at-home making my picks and giving my opinions when necessary.

But blogging is where it's at for me. I really like getting my thoughts out about other people's talent. I'm going to try and not be so mean this year, ha ha! Here we go!

Ahhh, they're playing my last-year favorite - Blake Lewis - as they recap the process leading up to this. Nice.

David Hernandez - I really liked this guy in Hollywood. I think he has a solid voice... but I'm not sure if he has what it takes to be a "star". He seems really nervous whenever he sings, even though his voice is really good. I love the color in his voice. Ooh, Midnight Hour. Good start! Wow, his voice is better than I remember. Little pitchy part, but not bad. If you close your eyes, you would think he's already a star. Ouch - really out of tune towards the end, but who cares? All in all, I like him! I do. I like him. If it wasn't midnight, I'd vote for him right now.

Chikezie - I like this guy, too... but THIS SONG? Is this what I have to look forward to if he makes it much further? Don't get me wrong - it's a great song. But the arrangement is HORRIBLE. It's hard to hold out all of those notes on pitch if you're a seasoned performer, let alone the first night of a big competition. Bad move, dawg. But his mama was the cutest thing in the world! How sweet! I was kinda pulling for him because he got cut last year... but he may have just blown it. Paula is trying to cover for him by playing him up. [Side note - what happened to Paula's cute hair she had going on throughout the auditions? Ugh.] Now, I've heard that they put the worst singer in the #2 singing spot each night. Ouch.

David Cook - I don't know what it is about this guy that irks me... let me watch him and maybe I'll figure it out. Is it his hair? Oh wait, they are stealing David's thunder and talking to Colton instead. Eek. He is comparing himself to Ellen Degeneres. Come on - I like Ellen, don't do that to her. Then, Colton lets out this weird chuckle. Awkward! Can we move on to David now? Please? Whoa, David looks like a giant next to Ryan Seacrest. Weird. I hadn't thought he was that big. OK, he's singing. Off-pitch, with a weird vibrato. Is he this year's male version of Jordin Sparks? Let's hope not - her vibrato killed me. Oh, wow. He's... doing... weird things. Like a bad Vegas lounge singer. He's off-pitch horribly and he's winking and pointing at the audience. Seriously? Oh, my. I had to pause it to collect my thoughts. That was bad. Ha! I don't buy his whole rocker vibe. Just because you push out the notes and twirl the mic stand, does not a rocker make! What? Randy is singing his praises? Paula, too? I'm gonna go watch it again. Hang on - let me rewind. Nah, I didn't like it. Sorry. Chris Daughtry (sigh), he ain't. Those smirks. Gah. Whatever, moving on...

Jason Yeager - I can't wait to hear this guy. They did not let us hear him all through the audition process. I am not expecting him to be any good, but I hope he proves me wrong because I think he's a Christian. He sings in his mom's worship band, anyway, so let's hope so! What's up with the streak in his hair? I mean, I have that if I go too long without coloring the gray. But, on purpose? Aw, cute son. Ok, Moon River??? PEOPLE! You have a CHOICE during this part of the competition. And you CHOOSE Moon River? And off-pitch, at that. Jason, let me give you some advice. You have a rich, colorful voice. Get jiggy with it. That was so Donny Osmond. All of the smiling and looking around and pointing and smiling. Ick. I just don't know. Awww, Paula did her first ballet recital to that song? Well, nevermind then! We shall all vote for Jason because he did Paula's first ballet-recital song! My mind is changed! Oh, and it gets better. Jason's grandmother taught him that song when he was little. Look. Jason, you've already used your son. Must you pull out another family member so early in the competition? If you're lucky enough to make it to next week, try doing a song from THIS century, k? [Ha! Simon bought his first puppy to the song. Bah ha ha.] [Now I feel silly... I just found out later in the show that it's actually 60's night. I simply do NOT understand this. But, I digress.]

Ha, again! Ryan just said "Little David Archuleta". He must REALLY be little for Ryan to be able to call him that!

Robbie Carrico - This guy has a lot of rumors flying around about him. He used to be in a band called Boyz N Girlz United or something like that. Also, he is rumored to have dated Britney Spears. Now, I don't know about you, but I'm not sure I would go around spreading either of those facts. Now, he's a rocker. It's like a 12 step program with some of these guys. "I've tried everything else... I think I'll go be a rocker." What is up with the bandanna? He's kinda cute, though. Something about him reminds me of JT. Thank you for at least singing in tune, Robbie! Very nice! I have news for you, though, Robbie. You are not rock. You are SO pop... but GOOD pop! Go for more Peter Cetera and less Bon Jovi. Your voice is pure. Paula just said something that actually made sense - in the pocket! Yes! Current - yes, Simon! Robbie has surprised me. I like him.

David Archuleta - I picked this guy to win it all when I made my initial picks on my Fantasy American Idol. Such a cute little thing! I'm not sure if I still feel that he will win... but he will surely go far because he's so endearing. Uh oh, he just cracked a little. But, I really like his voice. He's 17. I'll give him some slack. Very entertaining.

Danny Noriega - With a name like Noriega, you expect some 'tude. But this chick... I mean, guy... really gets on my nerves. I think he has a talent. Great voice. He's this year's Sanjaya - except with a better voice and more soul. And more guts. I always sensed that Sanjaya was being flung into stardom at first against his will. This guy, though, his scratching and clawing his way there. Now, Jailhouse Rock is one of my favorite Elvis songs. And Danny has just kinda butchered the rhythm of the song. Oh, he is such a girl! This should be an interesting season. The head bob! Oh, my.

Luke Menard - I'm not expecting great things from him, but let's see. Has anyone caught the joke his name makes? If you haven't, then don't think about it. Moving on... Ok, his first audition this season was not bad. Ouch - his audition last year was hideous. He has a high voice. Whoa - off-pitch. Can he hear himself? Is his monitor working? I'm being serious. He's incredibly sharp, which means he's not breathing because he's nervous. Deep breath, Luke! Bad song choice, but he could've pulled it out if he had been on pitch. Seems like a genuinely nice guy. Too bad he won't make it past the first week. Cute wife! Ok, thank you, randy, for backing me up on the sharp thing. Aw, I like this guy. If he can sing, I'd like to see him make it one more week.

Colton Berry - Hmmm, who wants to place bets that Colton Berry and Danny Noriega become friends? Anyway... Colton has a really good voice, actually. He sings with heart. Nice. On pitch. Lovely to listen to, maybe not so much to watch. Hold up! the theme is 60's tonight???? How did I miss that? WHY???? Don't they have enough theme nights once they get whittled down to the top 12? Ugh. This show.

Garrett Haley - No idea what this little boy sounds like. Has his voice changed yet? Ok, he is not bad... just kinda boring. He can wail. I hate theme nights. Have I mentioned that? Next. Oh, my - Simon!!!! How rude to say that he looks like he's been shut up in his bedroom for a month! That was horrible. He seems like a very nice, good-humored boy. I hope Simon hasn't just scarred him.

Jason Castro - I have not heard this guy sing during auditions, and yet I picked him as this year's Dark Horse. It's just a hunch I have. I'm guessing that he's good. And it has nothing to do with his dreads, either. My, what nice white teeth he has. Whoa. He IS good. I'm loving it. Natural, raw talent. Reminds me of Amos Lee. Just PLEASE, please do something with that hair. I can't stand to look at it up close. Under the lights. He just passed up David Archuleta, in my humble opinion. Pitch problems, Randy? What? Are you insane? Yes, he blew me away. He was original. Love it. He's my fave so far.

Michael Johns - I have looked forward to this guy all night. I loved everything they showed of him during the audition process. And he's Australian - love those Aussies! Ok, so he's starting off a little shaky. good stage presence. And gracious... all I can think of while he's singing is that scary nurse-singer from the girls that sang it during Hollywood week. I don't think it was his best performance. He's very charismatic and charming. He actually reminds me of a non-drugged out Jim Morrison. Ha! He will do well.

My goodness, it's late. I'm going to bed.

Monday, February 18, 2008

A new Season...

Beginning tomorrow, I will do my level best to blog my little heart out about the new season of American Idol. Thank goodness they realized what a mess they made of last year's season and have already made some necessary changes. I'm actually excited!

Until tomorrow...